White House Orders Government Shut Down

White House Orders Government Shut Down
October 1, 2013

As I said on the radio show tonight, I think this whole thing is a farce. So much going on behind the scenes the mainstream is not telling the public. I maintain my position as conscious observer to watch and see how this whole thing pans out. I hope this announcement helps the masses understand the government is broken beyond repair. Raising the debt ceiling, or cutting Obama care is not going to fix it. It's time for the old to come crashing down...it's the only way something brand new can be created. ~BK
A bitter budget fight has led to a US government shutdown, leaving hundreds of thousands of federal workers without pay cheques and shutting down federal services all over the country.

It means around 800,000 workers will have no job to go to, and international icons like the Statue of Liberty, Grand Canyon and Smithsonian Institution will close their doors to the public.

House Republicans were demanding that the Senate negotiate their calls for a one-year delay in making millions of people buy health insurance under President Obama's 2010 health care law. Minutes before midnight — the end of the financial year in the US — the White House ordered a shutdown.

The shut down could impact on Americans' ability to get government services ranging from federally-backed home loans to supplemental food assistance for children and pregnant women.

For many Americans who are civilian employees of the federal government, it means no more pay cheques as they're forced onto unpaid leave. For those still working, it means delays in getting paid.

Some workers are allowed to work a few hours on Tuesday to change voicemail messages or fill out time cards. But after that, they're under strict orders to do no work, even check their email.

And for the economy as a whole it spells disaster. The country is still struggling with high unemployment and consumer sentiment is waning.

The last time the federal government shut down, for three weeks in the winter of 1995-96, the American economy felt a jolt but recovered quickly. But this time, the country is in a far more fragile state.

Markets are likely to be traumatized if there is no quick solution to the next fast approaching crisis.

Republicans are also demanding Obama make concessions in the health care law to secure a lifting of the current $16.7 trillion debt ceiling, without which the United States would begin to default on its debts for the first time in history by the middle of October.

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